Dental implants
Since 1992 he completed dozens of advanced trainings on dental implants at the most important medical centers worldwide and in the United States (Chicago university, Boston university, Churi Clinic Germany, Frankfurt University Hospital in Germany, Palti Clinic in Germany), Paolo Malo Clinic Lisbon and in Sweden.
Dr. Blumer has vast experience in performing a wide variety of transplant surgeries; Immediate extractions and implants, angular implants, computerized transplantations, bone graft implementing non-traumatic techniques, sinus lifts, and the use of P.R.F., which improves implant healing and success (his clinic is one of the only clinics implementing this technique)
Surgical Treatments
Dr. Eitan Blumer performs in his clinics a variety of surgical treatments, including: Crown extensions, pocket reduction, regenerative surgery with Emdogain, membrane, covering of exposed roots, execution of dental implants, bone building and sinus lifts.
Membership in Professional Associations
Dr. Eitan Blumer is a member of several professional associations:
- The Israel Dental Association
- The Israeli Society of Periodontology and Transplantations
- The Israeli Association of Dental Transplants
- The American Society of Laser dentistry
Other activities
Dr. Blumer is the dentist of the Hapoel Holon team and personally treats the players and staff members of that team.