Raul Valenberg 20, Compound CU building A, level 1, RAMAT HACHAYAL, TEL AVIV
Call now: 072-33-80-553
Primary phone: 072-33-80-553 |Phone: 03-5046798 |Email: blumer@012.net.il

Contact us

88 Nahum Sokolov, Holon, 58340

20 Raoul Wallenberg, Tel Aviv

Our new clinic!


Raoul Wallenberg 20, Building A, 1st floor, Ramat Hachayal, Tel Aviv

88 Nahum Sokolov, Holon, 58340

Opening Hours:
Sunday - Thursday 08:30 to 20:00

making an appointment:
072-33-80-553  |  03-6488235

We will be happy to advise and match you the best treatment!